Riding the Wave of Menstruation
Menstruation, defined by some as the curse, and the curse of all women. Many regard it with a greater negativity then positivity. It is disregarded …
Menstruation, defined by some as the curse, and the curse of all women. Many regard it with a greater negativity then positivity. It is disregarded …
A few days a go a friend invited me to go for a dip in the sea. Though I am a fan of sea swimming, …
10 things to do We’ve all been there, poverty can breed isolation, as you struggle to afford to go to places where your friends go …
Buying seasonal produce has a range of benefits for health and wellbeing. Less energy is needed to produce it, it has fewer food miles, and …
Continue reading “Seasonal fruit, vegetable, nut and seed Chart”
Walnuts are an exceptionally healthy food. They contain good levels of magnesium, iron, phosphorous, copper, manganese, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids. They are also …
Breast cancer is a common form of cancer. According to the NHS website, (2019) 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with it. Fortunately, if …
Which nuts are sustainable? As someone who’s concerned about the health of the planet and humankind, I’m gradually eating more sustainable food, less meat, more …
By Amy Turner FdSc, BA Many people claim cannabis is a drug that is beneficial for health, and indeed, with the right strain and assessment …
In 2016 I completed a dissertation, click on the link below to view it. Do complementary Therapies reduce anxiety in cancer patients
what is cancer and how does it manifest itself? The cells in the human body are constantly multiplying and replacing old cells in the body. …